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Creamy Boursin Potato Salad

Creamy Boursin Potato Salad

[This post has been sponsored by Boursin]

Despite the dreary weather we are having… BBQ & Picnic Season is here. So I present to you my Creamy Boursin Potato Salad. I love a potato salad in the summer… but sometimes it’s nice to have one that’s a little creamier, tangy and full of herbs.

This potato salad fits that bill. Besides the creamy Boursin texture setting this apart, I really love the crunch that the celery and the hits of acid the capers provide. Use whatever extra herbs you may have at hand for the garnish… Parsley, Dill and Chives would be divine… Mint or perhaps basil would take it in another welcomed direction altogether.

I think you will find that this is a lovely year-round recipe.

Creamy Boursin Potato Salad

Creamy Boursin Potato Salad 

750g New Potatoes 
1 tub Boursin Velvety
50ml Olive oil
1 Lemon, Juice from
2 Celery stalks (chopped into small chunks)
Small red onion (Peeled and chopped into small chunks)
2 tbsp Capers
Small bunch of Fresh herbs that you may have to hand, Chopped (Parsley, Dill and or chive would be ideal)
Salt and pepper to taste

Cover potatoes with cold water in a pot. Bring to a boil and simmer until just tender, about 10 minutes. Drain and cool until you are able to handle them.

While the potatoes are cooling make the dressing.  In a bowl mix the Boursin Velvety, olive oil and lemon to make a dressing. Taste and add salt and pepper to taste.

Once the potatoes are cool enough to handle, cut the potatoes in half and place all in a large mixing bowl with the celery, red onion and capers. Pour the dressing over the potatoes and gently mix until everything is combined.

Transfer to a serving bowl, garnish with chopped fresh herbs and enjoy.

Thank me later.

Creamy Boursin Potato Salad
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