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How to Make Flour Tortillas


420g plain flour
1 teaspoon salt
125g lard, or fat of choice
250ml hot water


In a large mixing bowl add the flour and salt. Whisk together to combine.

Boil the water in a kettle then let rest till just a steam.

Measure the water into a heat safe jug and add the lard and stir, allow the lard to completely melt.

Pour the melted lard and water into the mixing bowl with the flour mixture.

Knead the dough by hand on a lightly floured surface for 10-15 minutes. Once the dough is no longer sticky and you have no dough sticking to your hands, the dough has a smooth appearance, then it’s ready.

Divide the dough into 25g mounds for taco sized tortillas  Roll and pinch each portion of dough to form a small ball. Place the dough portions on a lightly floured tray and  cover with cling film and let rest for a minimum of 30 minutes.

Lightly sprinkle flour on a clean counter top and lightly sprinkle a rolling pin.

Using your fingers, gently flatten out one tortilla, then roll into a round disc. The tortilla should be rolled thin and be slightly transparent.

If there is resistance or its shrinking , let the dough rest for another 30 minutes to get more chill.

Roll out all the balls of dough, lightly flour each disc and stack.

Once they are all rolled out heat a skillet.

Place the tortilla on the hot skillet, allow to cook for about 60 seconds, you will notice bubbles forming, don’t press them down. After 60 seconds, take a peek at the bottom to check the colour of the tortilla, brown spots should have formed, i

Flip the tortilla and continue to cook the other side for another 30-45 seconds, bubbles will still form and brown spots will appear.

Remove the tortilla from the skillet and place on a plate  on a clean towel. Cover with the bowl after each tortilla is cooked to help retain heat

Continue this process until all tortillas are cooked.

Tortillas are best served warm. But you can freeze once they are cooled and then reheat when you need them

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