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Easy Home Made Kimchi

It’s safe to say that I love kimchi. If I see something with kimchi on a menu I’m drawn to it. I always have a jar of it in the fridge. So its a pretty natural thing for me to make. ⁠

Like with a lot of things new to me… I thought that it was going to be difficult.  After scouring Pinterest for inspiration.  I found a couple of recipes that I patchworked together to come up with this version.

My number one tips is to not skimp on the salting process.  give the cabbage a good squeeze and massage to get the salt in the leaf.  When you drain the liquid, reserve it so if you dont have enough moisture from the chili sauce you can top up the jar to cover your kimchi. 

Also if you play with the vegetables that you use to make the kimchi.. really pay attention to the texture of them to determine where you put them in the process.  I put the green part of the leeks in with the salting and the whites in with the chilli.

Home Made Kimchi

2 heads of Chinese Cabbage ⁠
700g of unidentified greens (some sort of Pak Choy)⁠
1 large leek⁠
1/2 Daikon ⁠

1/3 cup coarse salt⁠
250ml water⁠

Chili Sauce⁠
1 yellow onion⁠
1 apple ⁠
2 small thumbs of ginger⁠
3 cloves of garlic.⁠
2 tbs chilli flakes ⁠
250ml water. ⁠

Simplified Method:⁠

  • Cut your vegetables into evenly sized pieces. ⁠
  • Mix salt and water and douse your vegetables. Mix them up gently crushing the veg a bit. ⁠
  • Leave them to salt for 2 hours. ⁠
  • Drain and rinse vegetables thoroughly ⁠
  • Blitz all the sauce ingredients in a blender to form a sauce⁠
  • Mix the sauce into the salted vegetables⁠
  • Pack into sterilised jars leaving space at the top for the kimchi to ferment. ⁠
  • Loosely seal the jar and leave in a cool dark place to ferment. ⁠
  • The longer it ferments outside the stronger the sour notes will be. ⁠
  • Kimchi beginner should probably put it in the fridge after 24 hours. ⁠
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