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Eating to improve your mood – Haddock, Spinach and Mushroom Frittata

I’ve always been a firm believer that the food we eat can help to influence your mood. Feeling sad + Eat Pizza = Feeling happy. Feeling Celebratory + Eat a Burger = Feeling Celebratory. Feeling Stressed + Eating a packet of Doritos = Feeling Stress-free.

I’m kind of joking, but not. I know that throughout my life I reach for those fatty, salty, starchy, carby meals whenever I feel like I need to adjust my mood. They totally help in the short term without a doubt, the pleasure that I derive from eating them is immense. Though as I grow older (yeah that) I’m looking to be able to adjust my moods from foods in other ways.

Like eating to combat the dreaded wither blues. I’ve suffered all of my life, most heavily in February, so much, in fact, I dubbed it my February funk. For the most part, I was fine with slipping into it, as I knew that once the days got longer its start to see the light (literally) and feel better.

This year I decided rather to not suffer along with what I knew was coming and actively try and apply nutrition as a method to beat the blues. I have no idea if it’s working. I would like to think that it is. Most importantly I’m loving what I’ve been eating, it has renewed a passion for cooking every day that I’ve not had in a very, very long while.

I’ve been eating frittatas a lot lately…. They are filling, easy to make, but mainly because I love eggs. This Haddock Mushroom and Spinach Frittata is a doddle to make

From what I’ve read… eggs have loads of mood-boosting properties in them
Eggs contain high levels of vitamin d, vitamin b12 and of zinc.

Zinc a mineral that is effective in moderating blood-sugar levels and regulating the metabolism, which can combat seasonal feelings of fatigue by increasing energy.
Vitamin D plays a role in brain health and low levels of vitamin D have been associated with individuals who suffer from depression. The jury is still out as to whether a lack of vitamin D plays a role in helping to cause depression–or if depression causes levels to drop–but there are research studies suggesting that consuming vitamin D may help to prevent depression, as well as ones suggesting it as a treatment. The fact that most individuals get less than the RDA also suggests that it wouldn’t hurt to focus more on vitamin D intake, particularly in the winter when there are only a few hours of sunlight. Mushrooms are also another good source of Vitamin D
Vitamin B12 has been found to boost serotonin levels. Boosted serotonin means boosted moods. There are lots of tasty ways to fit it into your diet besides eggs including leafy greens, lean beef, clams, oysters, crab, wild salmon, cottage cheese, yoghurt, milk, and fortified cereals.

This Haddock Mushroom and Spinach Frittata

I might also note that this recipe is Keto Friendly and suitable for a Low Carb Diet.

3 large eggs (Clarence Court Burford Brown)
200g Haddock Smoked
200ml full-fat milk (enough to cover haddock)
A small handful of mushrooms, sliced
A small handful of spinach
100g grated cheese (I used The Cheddar Cheese Company Cave Aged Cheddar)
Salt and Pepper to Taste
1 tsp of Ghee.

Heat the oven to 180

In a small saucepan, poach the haddock in milk till cooked. Remove the haddock from milk and flake, reserving 3 tbs of the poaching liquid. Leave to cool the liquid.

Whisk the eggs and cooled poaching liquid with a pinch of salt and pepper. Mix in the flaked haddock, cheese, mushrooms and spinach.

Heat up the ghee in the skillet. Then pour the egg mixture in the warmed skillet. Cook until you see the edges begin to set.

Bake the frittata. Put the pan in the oven and bake until the eggs are set, 8 to 10 minutes. To check, cut a small slit in the centre of the frittata. If raw eggs run into the cut, bake for another few minutes; if the eggs are set, pull the frittata from the oven.

Cool and serve. Cool in the pan for 5 minutes.

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