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Tag: Local

The Art Of Blending In When Travelling.

I’ve always been told that the best way to travel is to experience places like a local.   Now the best way to achieve that is blend in.  The benefits of blending in and acting a bit less like a tourist and more like a local never be underestimated.

Blending in can afford you a more intimate look at the local culture, one that may not be granted to outsiders.  If you look and act like a tourist then you will be treated like one. If you want to walk the walk, it’s going to have to be their walk. And don’t assume that your custom is their custom.

More important than that is safety. Most criminals can spot tourists from dress, mannerisms, and the way they act a mile off.  Blending in will not make you completely impervious from pickpockets and scam artists,  but it can help protect you.   That said, you will still need to keep your whits about you even if you blend in. 

Blending In, Local, Stay Like A Local, Travel Tips, World Travel

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