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The Tastiest Holiday Romance – Jersey Royal, Creme fraiche, Rosemary & Brown Butter Pizza

Have you ever fell in love when you were travelling?  I mean change your life kinda falling in love?  A love Like never before kinda love?

That happened to me on my recent trip to Malmo Sweden.  I’ve always fancied getting up close and personal with a swede (the person not the veg) when I visited.   Never in a million years would I have thought that I’d travel to Sweden and fall completely head over hills with an Italian. An Italian hussy that’s loved by most people in the world. 

Yep I’m talking about Pizza.  Up until I got my mouth around the pizza from Hedvigsdal Pizza and Wine at Malmo Solihull I could take or leave pizza.  As shocking as it sounds I never really fancy pizza.  Am I weird? Are there other people out there like me that don’t love pizza? 

That pizza has captured my heart and is the only pizza that I will crave from here to my grave  The most incredible part… It was a special of the day, maybe never recreated again and that my friends, is what we call kismet.  

I’ve attempted to recreate the pizza at home and I think I’ve done a stocking job of it.  On top of the sourdough base, it has creme fraiche, smoked mozzarella, capers, potatoes, rosemary, lemon zest and BROWN BUTTER.   This is a pizza close to my heart… but one that I’m willing to share. 

Seeing as its Jersey Royal season I’ve used the beauts on this pizza.  I’m using a modified variation of the frying pan pizza that I picked up from the Pizza Pilgrims.  I think you get just as good as a result.   

Jersey Royal, Creme fraiche, Rosemary and Brown Butter Pizza
Jersey Royal, Creme fraiche, Rosemary and Brown Butter Pizza

Jersey Royal, Creme fraiche, Rosemary and Brown Butter Pizza

50g Unsalted Butter
Your favourite Pizza Dough (I use Jamie Olivers)
Jersey Royals (Steamed so they are soft) sliced into coins. 
Creme Fraiche
Smoked Mozzarella
Lemon Zest

First, make your brown butter.  Melt butter slowly over low heat. Its gonna start to foam,  Then the milky whiteness will brown then sink to the bottom of the pan. Remove from heat and pour into a heatproof container.  

Shape your dough into a 10-inch disc that has a slightly thicker rim. 

Heat your grill on the highest setting it will go. 

Lay a pizza base flat in a dry non-stick frying pan that has a heat-proof handle.  

Spread a generous layer creme fraiche across the base, leaving a couple of centimetres around the edge for the crust. 

Add mozzarella, capers, jersey royal coins, rosemary and lemon zest. 

Drizzle with brown butter.

Pop the pan on the stove and heat it on high till the base starts to take some colour. You can tell when it’s ready when you jiggle the pan and the pizza moves around freely.  

Once the base of the pizza has browned (take the frying pan and place it on the highest shelf, under the grill, close the door and let it cook for about 3 minutes or once the crust has taken on some colour its good to go. 

Carefully remove the pizza from the oven with an oven mitt. Brush the crust with more of the brown butter and enjoy. 

Jersey Royal, Creme fraiche, Rosemary and Brown Butter Pizza
Jersey Royal, Creme fraiche, Rosemary and Brown Butter Pizza

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