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Pork Lovers Tour – Celebrating Spanish Pork in the UK

There is no secret that I love pork.  It’s hard to explain why it’s one of my favourite meats.   I guess it’s because it’s really versatile.  Its brilliant both fresh and cured.  Joints are brilliant to roast, chops are great fried, cutlets into katsu, bbq’d ribs, bacon, sausages and ham…. You get the point I LOVE PORK.   So, when I was invited to the uber-luxe Hispania restaurant in the City for the launch of the Pork Lovers Tour it was a bit of a no-brainer.

At Hispania, we were treated to a luxury spread of Spanish meats and cheese and canapes featuring pork products.  If the canapes were anything to go by, I can’t wait to return to Hispania to try ore of Chef Marcos Morán cooking.

The tour is a 45-day mission around Spain and the UK to Raise awareness of the Spanish pork sector around Spain and the UK.  INTERPORC (The Inter-professional Agri-Food Organization for white pork in Spain) represents about 86,000 Spanish farms that produce more than 4 million tonnes per year.  The organization have made animal welfare and care of the environment as its primary focus.

Unlike US pork, the Spanish industry has completely banned the use of antibiotics and are committed to reducing greenhouse emissions from pork production.    They are hoping to educate and dispel stigmas that white pork is unhealthy for you.  

Lovely Spanish Charcuterie

Lovely Spanish Charcuterie

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Cutting the Serrano

Cutting the Serrano

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Gaspacho with Serrano Ham

Gaspacho with Serrano Ham

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It comes as no surprise that the top Spanish pork products in the  UK are obviously serrano & chorizo.  White pork is also great for roasting and frying as demonstrated by Chef Moran.

Pork Lovers Tour begins tomorrow July 13th in Southampton and then it will visit Liverpool, Bristol and Norwich.  The bus will have pork related workshops, cooking demonstrations ham slicing demonstrations under the watchful eye of their chef and nutritionist on board.

This content has been Sponsored by INTERPORC.  As always the opinions are my own. 

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